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205 entries.
 Average Rating: 4.84 out of 5 (183 votes)
Lisa Bernhard from New York wrote on 18 April 2020 at 23:29
We were two families (6 people) who stayed at the Trulli di Marella for a week last July. Here we are, many months later and now quarantined at home in New York and thinking back to this charming place and the wonderful time we had there. The location is on a hill, well away from the road, and very private. GPS was useful for navigating our way till we learned the roads. We ate our meals outdoors at a big tiled table under the shade, swam in the pool, and enjoyed the view and the peacefulness. The patio by the pool, beautifully landscaped and with a handy outdoor shower, was our afternoon hangout. At night we went up to the roof of the farmhouse and looked at the stars. The accommodations were comfortable and very clean, and the design aesthetic of the interiors was modern and fresh. This location is easy for visits to Cisternino, Locorotondo, Martina Franca, Ostuni, and Alberobello. We had a warm welcome and great recommendations from Pat (thank you, Pat!), which made a big difference in finding the best places to eat and to visit. I wish we had had time to do more!
Admin Reply by: Nicla Ferrante
Dear Lisa what a beautiful message in this hard period of our life. I am very happy that your stay at Trullo di Marella is a good memory to remind and that it works for dreaming. I hope that you will have soon the possibility to travel again and that we will have you here again. Take care and stay safe. With our best wishes of good healt to you and your family Nicla, Pat and the trullionline taff
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Marion und Winfried from Leipzig wrote on 1 November 2019 at 9:09
Wonderful holiday experienced in Trullo Giulivo 2019. A special domicile. This type of construction is already unique. It was worth it. We always rave about this week. A pool for us alone, without views from the outside. From the bed under the outside shower and into the water. Swimming before breakfast at the old wonderful olive tree. In the evening a lot of indirect lighting on the grounds. The entrance has to be searched and is narrow. Everywhere in the environment Trullis stand and a straying in the many narrow streets can happen. Navi is very important. The price, however, is on a high level. Marion und Winfried, Leipzig Translated with
Admin Reply by: Nicla Ferrante
Dear Winfried and Marion thank you for your kind feed back. I am very happy that you have liked your holidays at trullo Giulivo and that you have appreciated all the facilities like the beautiful view, the private pool and the superior equipment in the kitchen. We look forward the have again our guests and do not forget the special gift reserved for you next time. My warmest wishes Nicla
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Jacqueline Allenbach from Yvorne/Suisse wrote on 30 October 2019 at 10:54
Magnifique séjour, Endroit est très calme, très beau dans la nature et non loin des sites à visiter avec une voiture. Notre hôtesse était d'une gentillesse et d'une disponibilité extraordinaire. Nous nous sommes vraiment sentis chez nous. Merci Chiarra
Admin Reply by: Nicla Ferrante
Daer Jacqueline thank you very much for your review and personal email sent to me (Je n'ai que des éloges à faire concernant la location de notre trullo. Chiara a été d'une gentillesse et d'une disponibilité exceptionnelle. Le trullo, bien agencé, très propres, literie parfaite, et une décoration magnifique. De plus l'endroit est très calme, très beau dans la nature et non loin des sites à visiter avec une voiture. Nous n’hésiterons à revenir si nous revenons dans la région.). We are very happy to read it and we have no words to thank you. We hope to host you again next time, our best wishes Nicla e Chiara
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Marlies Zapletal from Vienna wrote on 29 October 2019 at 17:07
We spent (only) 4 days at Trulli di Marella and could not imagine any better holidays or service. The place is perfect for 2 couples because of 2 seperate units, everything was clean and made with love, the pool is wonderful and we loved to play Boccia in the afternoon with a glass of wine or sitting on the terrace. Vita and Pat were very kind and gave us a lot of information and a very friendly welcome. The next time we will definitly stay much more longer!
Admin Reply by: Nicla Ferrante
Dear Marlies thank you for your nice review. We are very happy that you liked your four days holidays at trullo di Marella as we do our best possibile to assure a wonderful stay for our guest. We hoper that you will decide to come again for a longer holiday. Keep in touch and best wishes Nicla, Pat, Vita and Marella
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jul from Nürnberg wrote on 12 October 2019 at 10:39
Wir haben 12 wunderbar entspannte Tag im Trullo di Marella verbracht. Die Häuschen liegen zwar etwas einsam, sind aber ein perfekter Ausgangspunkt für Ausflüge. Alles ist sehr geschmackvoll eingerichtet. Uns gefielen besonders die natürlichen Materialien der Ausstattung und dass kaum ein Gegenstand aus Kunststoff zu finden war – das in Ferienhäusern eher selten der Fall. Nichts fehlt, sogar Spülmaschinentabs waren da! Und Ende September/Anfang Oktober war es gerade noch warm genug, um den herrlichen Privatpool zu genießen. Vielen herzlichen Dank an Nicla, Pat und Vita! Mit Nicla haben wir unseren Aufenthalt von Deutschland aus klargemacht. Keine Frage blieb offen. Pat war herzlich und liebenswürdig. Sie hat uns für die Zeit unseres Aufenthalts perfekt betreut und viele wertvolle Tipps über Whatsapp gegeben, Vita hat die Organisation des Hauses voll im Griff. Mit allen hatten wir sehr netten Kontakt. Es gibt ein gutes Gefühl, direkte Ansprechpartner vor Ort zu haben. Wir haben unseren Urlaub hier sehr genossen und hoffen, dass wir wieder kommen können!
Admin Reply by: Nicla Ferrante
Dear Julia thank you very much from all of us for your message. We are very happy that you have have a great holiday at Trullo di Marella. Also for us was a pleasure to host you and we hope that you will be again our guest. We wish you a nice autumn and winter time Nicla, Pat, Vita and Marella
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Alberto and Irene from Bonn, Germany wrote on 25 August 2019 at 14:52
We spend wonderful 2 weeks with our 2 children at the Trullo Bella Vita nearby San Michele Salentino. The Trullo itself is outstanding and tastefully setup. It is perfect for a recreational family vacation. The large pool and the nice garden are perfect for children. At night we often used the whirlpool sipping on a drink and watching the stars. The Trullo is excellent maintained by Giuseppe and Maria, who are a very nice couple and constantly available during our entire stay. Also Nicla can be reached by phone or email whenever there is any need. San Michele Salentino being a very small town offers a astonishing range of good and affordable restaurants. Visits to most Apulian Highlights can be made by car. We can highly recommend spending your holidays in this lovely Trullo.. THX again for the wonderful stay! Alberto and Irene
Admin Reply by: Nicla Ferrante
Dear Alberto and Irene thank you very much for your beautiful description of your mood and feeling at trullo Bella Vita. It is one of our best, the owners, Giuseppe and Maria do the possibile for the happyness of their guests, adults and children, and they try to improve year after year the standard of the house and services. We hope to have you here again as it was a pleasure to host you. Best wishes for your life and family Nicla, Giuseppe, Maria and staff
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Martina De Bernardi from Milano wrote on 24 August 2019 at 12:24
Abbiamo trascorso 15 giorni magnifici presso Casa d'Estate a Vigne di Salamina. Nicla Ferrante è stata per noi più che una proprietaria di casa. Già da Milano la sua tempestività nelle risposte alle mail e la sua gentilezza ci hanno fatto intuire quanta bellezza porti con sé questa Pugliese d'hoc. È stata capace di indirizzarci su paesini da visitare, pietanze da assaggiare, spiagge da frequentare capendo esattamente cosa cercassimo (natura, tranquillità ed esperienze autoctone). La casa a noi riservataci è luminosa, arredata con grande gusto e con soprammobili tipici del luogo. L'appartamento è pensato per due persone e lo spazio non manca; aria condizionata, lenzuola profumate, sdraio per prendere il sole il tutto circondato da un giardino di ulivi e piante curatissime. C'è tutto e se manca qualcosa Nicla è sempre disponibile a soddisfare le tue esigenze sempre con discrezione. La vista dall'appartamento permette di godere dei colori del tramonto dominando la Valle d'Itria. Il tavolo esterno ci ha dato la possibilità di pranzare e cenare al fresco sotto un pergolato di bambù e vite rampicante. La posizione geografica della residenza è comodissima per raggiungere luoghi imperdibili come Cisternino, Monopoli, Alberobello, Locorotondo, Polignano a mare, Ostuni e spiagge rocciose e di sabbia a seconda delle preferenze. Non potevamo scegliere miglior struttura. Ci siamo sentiti "a casa" anche se lontani; esattamente il sentimento giusto che dovrebbe accompagnare chiunque durante un viaggio. Grazie Nicla e congratulazioni per il tuo lavoro e i tuoi progetti. Un abbraccio Martina e Matteo.
Admin Reply by: Nicla Ferrante
Carissimi Maestra Martina e Matteo, che dire se non grazie di cuore per questo vostro bel messaggio. Sono veramente felice che abbiate passato una bella vacanza seguendo i nostri consigli e suggerimenti. Il sole della Puglia scaldi i vostri ricordi nella stagione più fredda. Vi aspettiamo, tornate a trovarci, per noi è stato un vero piacere avervi a Vigne di Salamina. Tanti auguri di ogni bene e ancora grazie Nicla, Rodolfo e Nanà
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Christine M Nace from Rignano Flaminio ( RM) wrote on 16 July 2019 at 11:27
After months of research for the "right spot" to celebrate my husband's 70th birthday in Puglia, his roots, we found a paradise on earth! My sister, her husband, son and his wife came from the United States to stay 10 days with us in this magnificent place! From the moment we drove in through the gate, we knew this was going to be a very very special place, one that would give us, as its name implies, much joy. The grounds are spectacular with fruit trees and olive groves, and the trullo is large and very comfortable. Each of the three couples had our own bathroom and plenty of room so we were together, but still had more than enough space to to have alone time. The beds were super comfortable and the baths clean and modern. We usually had dinner on the patio overlooking the splendid swimming pool which was heated ( we stayed there at the end of May), but when it got windy, we were able to eat on the other side of the trullo. Perfect! Honestly, I cannot recommend Trullo della Gioia enough. Suffice to say that we plan to return as soon as we can to enjoy another paradise holiday.
Admin Reply by: Nicla Ferrante
Cara Catherine siamo molto contenti che abbiato passato dei momenti felici con tutta la famiglia, festeggiato un anniversario importante presso il trullo della Gioia e che abbiate apprezzato i nostri servizi. Questo è un trullo antico che ha sempre garantito vacanze super a chi ha deciso di abitarlo e vi ringraziamo di cuore per avercelo confermato. Per noi è stato un vero piacere ospitarvi e conoscervi e ci auguriamo di avervi ancora presso di noi. Tanti auguri per la vostra vita Nicla, Patrizia e lo staff di
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Luca from London wrote on 11 July 2019 at 17:15
Abbiamo passato più di 10 giorni al trullo di Monica e non poteva essere meglio. Monica é una persona squisita ed ha arredato la casa con gusto e con piena comprensione delle necessità che una famiglia come la nostra potesse avere. Il trullo é molto spazioso, ma il patio antistante la casa, grazie al grande albero ed alla collocazione collinare, diventa il centro focale. La piscina é sicuramente un lusso vista il prezzo ed aggiunge un'ulteriore dimensione. Silenzio assoluto la notte, con paesi graziosi a pochissimi chilometri ed il mare, ambo le coste, raggiungibile con una breve viaggio in macchina nella splendida campagna di ulivi secolari. Torneremo sicuramente. Ultima nota, l'agenzia trullionline ed in particolare Nicla, sono stati impeccabili e gentillissimi. We stayed 10 nights at the trullo and it was perfect. Travelling with two young children, thanks to the massive mulberry tree and the position of the trullo, we managed to easily bare the excessive heat that invested the area as we were there. Albeit the trullo is quite modern in its design, it does retain the shape and the coolness of such typical abodes. Both the host and the booking agency were wonderful to deal with. Lastly, the swimming pool is great, especially for star gazing swim.
Admin Reply by: Nicla Ferrante
Che bel messaggio ci ha lasciato, Luca. Ne siamo davvero contenti e siamo felici che avendo accolto il nostro suggerimento abbia passato dei bei momenti con la sua famiglia presso il Trullo di Monica. La proprietaria lo ha reso così accogliente e ne ha curato tutti i dettagli proprio per far trascorrere ai suoi ospiti vacanze serene e coltivare bei ricordi per le stagioni più fredde. L'aspettiamo con la sua famiglia e i suoi amici e le auguriamo tante belle cose Nicla, Monica e lo staff di trullionline
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Nicole è Georg from Krefeld wrote on 19 June 2019 at 23:37
Wir haben uns mit dem Tag der Anreise direkt in den Trulli verliebt. Er war so eingerichtet, wie in der Beschreibung bis ins kleinste Detail beschrieben. Der Trulli ist sehr gepflegt und liegt sehr ruhig. Man kann sich hier wirklich erholen und die Ruhe genießen. Im Salzwasserpool konnte man sich herrlich erfrischen. Es fehlte an nichts, es war alles, aber auch wirklich alles, vorhanden. Wir wurden sehr herzlichst von der Eigentümerin, Monica, begrüßt. Auch die Betreuung während unseres Aufenthaltes war super. Man konnte sie jederzeit erreichen. Sie hatte auf alle Anfragen von uns (ob Ausflug, Masseria oder Shoppen) immer tolle Tipps zur Hand. Um Ausflüge in die verschiedensten Regionen zu planen, liegt der Trulli hervorragend. Ob man an die Adriaseite oder aber an das Ionische Meer fahren möchte. Wir haben uns hier sehr, sehr wohl gefühlt und würden jederzeit wiederkommen. Wir bedanken uns bei Monica für Ihre herzliche und erfrischende Art. Wir haben Sie in unser Herz geschlossen.Liebe Grüße auch an Michaele und Jango.
Admin Reply by: Nicla Ferrante
Dear Nicole and Georg thank your message. Monica is a very special landlord, we are very happy to read that you have appreciate her trullo and its pool, that you have lovely memories of your holidays here in Puglia although the weather was a little bit cold for May. Trullionline hopes that you will come back by us again and we wait for you next year. Warm regards Nicla, Monica and the staff of trullionline
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Nathalie Machez from Lyon France wrote on 4 May 2019 at 21:56
Nous avons logé dans le trulli à Locorotondo. Magnifique extraordinaire. Restauré à merveille avec tous les accessoires et une belle piscine. Au milieu des oliviers, en plein champ : une merveille. Ettore le propriétaire est adorable.
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"Jane Callaghan" from London wrote on 23 October 2018 at 5:50
"We really loved Trullo Giulivo. It was just the right size for the two of us. It was well equipped and comfortable. The terraces, pool and garden areas are wonderful; beautiful and very private. It stayed sunny for us - although sadly the temperature dipped at the end of the holiday, so we didn't get to use the pool as much as we'd hoped. Overall we'd really recommend it. The location was good, providing a good base for exploring other areas."
Admin Reply:
"Dear Jane your choise was perfect, Trullo Giulivo is ideal for a couple and we are so happy to read your message. It is true, sometime, at the end of Summer or early Autumn the weather does not allowe to use the pool but there are lots of other things to do and to visit as the temperature is still lovely like during these recent days, sunny and warm. Warm and lovely regards Nicla and trullionline staff"
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"Susann" from Berlin wrote on 20 October 2018 at 11:08
"Wir waren Ende September/Anfang Oktober zu fünft im Trullo Bella Vita und hatten wundervolle Tage dort. Das Haus und der Garten sind sehr liebevoll gestaltet und es hat an nichts gefehlt. Wir haben uns sehr wohlgefühlt. Der Kontakt mit Nicla und auch mit Guiseppe vor Ort wahr sehr herzlich. Wer die Ruhe inmitten von Olivenbäumen sucht ist hier genau richtig. Vielen Dank an Nicla und Guiseppe. Wir kommen bestimmt wieder."
Admin Reply:
"Thank you very much Susann for your lovely review. We are very happy for that. Apulia region and Valle D'itria are beautiful and interesting every season. We hope to see you again as you are welcome to our trulli. Warm regards and best whishes for your life Nicla, Giuseppe and the trullionline staff"
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"Niside" from Assemini wrote on 18 October 2018 at 11:53
"Vacanza familiare per visitare e conoscere la zona.ospitalita della proprietaria squisita, con ogni tipo di informazione utile a godere al meglio dei profumi gusti e paesaggi locali. Struttura accogliente e corrispondente a quanto indicato. Grazie"
Admin Reply:
"Cara Niside Vigne di Salamina è una delle nostre strutture più flessibili e adatte a ogni tipo di gruppo. Siamo molto contenti che lei e la sua famiglia vi siate trovate bene da noi. Anche a noi ha fatto molto piacere ospitarvi e siamo contenti che abbiate apprezzato la nostra terra soprattutto perché provenite da una regione meravigliosa come la Sardegna. Augurandomi di avervi ancora da nostro ospite, un caro saluto e tanti auguri per tutto Nicla"
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"Familie Kiene-Vögtle" from Trulli Bella Vita wrote on 18 October 2018 at 6:24
"Wir haben unseren Urlaub in diesem wunderschönen Trulli sehr genossen. Unsere 4 Kinder und auch wir waren von der Sauberkeit des Anwesens und dem tollen Pool begeistert. Nicla stand uns bei allen Problemen mit Rat und Tat beiseite. Sie hat uns einen Zahnarzt organisiert als eines unserer Kinder einen Zahn abgebrochen hatte und uns sogar zu dem Zahnarzt begleitet. Vielen herzlichen Dank nochmal. Wir können den Anbieter und den Trulli Bella Vita uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen."
Admin Reply:
"Dear Sonja, thank you very much for appreciating our service and our Trullo Bella Vita. Making our guests feel at home is one of our goals and to do this we carefully select our home and other suppliers. We are therefore very happy to have succeeded. Best wishes to you and your family. We are waiting for your next holidays. Warm regards Nicla and trullionline staff"
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"DAVIDE BARBOT" from Wien 05 Bezirk Margareten wrote on 17 October 2018 at 11:51
"Al trullo giulivo a settembre siamo stati davvero benissimo, abbiamo goduto del relax più assoluto in piena pace mediterranea e bucolica della valle d'itria. il trullo ha più che soddisfatto le ns aspettative e con piacere vorremmo tornarci in futuro! sia dentro che fuori, è stato perfetto per la ns vacanza. grazie a tutti, cari saluti"
Admin Reply:
"Siamo molto lieti che sia stato bene presso Trullo Giulivo e che abbia goduto della nostra regione rilassandosi al dolce clima di Settembre. Torni a trovarci, sarà sempre benvenuto. Grazie Davide, alla prossima allora. Nicla e lo staff di"
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"DUBOURG EMMANUELLE" from PARIS wrote on 3 September 2018 at 13:20
"Magnifique séjour au trullo Erica. Très bien situé pour visiter la région, le Trullo est idyllique ! Très grande piscine, barbecue, aménagement intérieur, gentillesse des personnes qui viennent faire très régulièrement l'entretien du jardin, de la piscine et le ménage, tout a fait que notre séjour a été parfait. Nous recommandons vivement cette location."
Admin Reply:
"Thank you Emmanuelle, thank you for your feed back. We are very proud that you enjoied your holidays at Trullo Erica and that you liked our staff, we do our best for the happyness of our guest so thank you again. Nicla and trullionline staff"
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"Nadine & Martin" from Cologne wrote on 21 August 2018 at 10:53
"In june we spent one week in Trullo Cavallo. Our stay in the house was just great! It is perfect for all who wish to stay in a quiet, private place, a little offroad of busy life. Since the trullo is a little bit elevated, there is a beautyful view - also of the stars at night. It is well situated, since all around there are interesting towns in short distance (Martina Franca, Cisternino). There is a lot to see all around and the trullo was perfect as a base. The interior is also very nice and well equipped with some old furniture. We can hightliy recommend it. Our son (3 years old) loved to be outside in the little garden with the trees and plants. Puglia is a pleasure for body and soul, we would like to come back. Our host Franco made us feel at home at once. Also, through the very friendly and patient mediation by Nicla, the booking was very easy and comfortable. Greetings from Cologne, Nadine & Martin"
Admin Reply:
"Dear Nadine,thank you for your kind review. We are very happy that you and your family liked Trullo Cavallo and that you enjoyed your holiday there. You will always be welcome. Best wishes for your life Nicla, Franco and the staf of trullionline"
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"Germana" from Roma wrote on 13 August 2018 at 1:58
"Splendido trullo immerso nel verde con una grande piscina ed un giardino molto curato con una incredibile varietà di piante da frutto. L’orto con ottimi pomodori, melanzane , peperoncini etc e’ stato il valore aggiunto. Perfetta la pulizia di tutti gli spazzi. Abbiamo trascorso nel trullo della gioia una bellissima settimana"
Admin Reply:
"La ringraziamo Germana per il suo messaggio, ne siamo molto felici. Tutti gli ospiti di questo trullo hanno sempre goduto di una vacanza divertente e rilassante e per questo abbiamo pensato che "della Gioia" potesse essere il nome giusto e lei ce lo conferma. Torni a trovarci, l'aspettiamo per una prossima vacanza."
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"Susanne, Thomas, Gabi, Lothar" from Trulli di Marella wrote on 5 June 2018 at 16:39
"Liebe Nicla und Pat, waren Mitte - Ende Mai 2018 für 14 Tage im Trullo di Marella und sind immer noch ganz „begeistert ! Es war einer der schönsten Urlaube, die wir bisher gemacht haben. Alles hat hervorragend geklappt, der rege Emailkontakt während der Planung mit Nicla sowie auch der Kontakt vor Ort mit Pat. Ein Urlaub in einem Trullo ist schon etwas besonderes.. Aber auch Apulien „Puglia“ gehört sicherlich zun einer der schönsten Gegenden der „Welt“!!! Außerdem sollte man sich auf jeden Fall von „Rudi“ bekochen lassen, einfach nur ein Genuss "
Admin Reply:
"Dear Susanne we are very happy of your message. We are honored of your love for our region, our welcome and our work. It was a real pleasure to have you as our guests and deal with you. We are waiting for you next time and we greet you with enthusiasm, the same you have for us Marella, Rudi, Pat and Nicla"
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